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More than a hundred Crimean students work as conductors in passenger carriages

More than a hundred Crimean students work as conductors in passenger carriages

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Today, in the summer, transport carriers actively attract representatives of Russian student brigades as conductors of passenger cars. During the spring, RSO fighters undergo professional training in this specialty, and in the summer and autumn they work on long-distance passenger routes. In one summer, students can visit Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Kislovodsk, Adler, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Omsk and many other cities of our country.

More than a hundred Crimean students work as conductors in passenger carriages More than a hundred Crimean students work as conductors in passenger carriages

In 2024, more than a hundred Crimean student brigades began working as conductors. The work in this direction by the student brigades of Crimea began in 2019, when there was no railway connection between Crimea and the mainland of the Russian Federation. The Crimean pioneers from the student brigades of conductors were then employed by the Federal Passenger Company and were tied to the depot of the city of Adler. Subsequently, after the start of work of the Grand Service Express Transport Company, the Crimean student brigades were already tied to the depot of the city of Simferopol and since 2021 they carry out almost all their trips from the capital of the Republic of Crimea. From 2021 to 2024, a total of 246 Crimean student brigades worked and are working as conductors. Last year, at the All-Russian competition of professional skills among student brigades of conductors, a pair of conductors representing the team of the Crimean regional branch of the RSO entered the top ten strongest in the country. Thus, the student teams of Crimean guides are growing not only in quantity, but also in the quality of their work.

Quite recently, the 15 millionth passenger was transported to Crimea by rail, and the fighters of the Russian student brigades, working as conductors, also contributed to this work. Many of the guys consider themselves real railway workers and celebrate their professional holiday — Railway Worker’s Day. Some subsequently go to work as railway workers. We have already had 18 of them over the past five years. But every student who worked as a conductor knows how hard this work is and how respectfully one must treat the work of their colleagues., — notes the head of the Crimean regional branch of the Russian student brigades, Vladimir Kaidansky.

Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the MOOO «Russian Student Squads»

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