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Morning accident on the highway «Chernomorskoe — Evpatoria»: four injured

Morning accident on the highway «Chernomorskoe — Evpatoria»: four injured

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The police are conducting an investigation into a traffic accident in the Saksky district of Crimea, which occurred this morning (at 8:20) on the 21st km of the Chernomorskoye – Yevpatoriya highway.

The driver, born in 2002, driving a Mercedes Sprinter, failed to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front, as a result of which he collided with a Lada Largus driven by a driver born in 1961. As a result of the accident, 4 people received bodily injuries of varying severity and were taken to a medical facility.— the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate reported.

Currently, employees of the internal affairs bodies are conducting a preliminary investigation, establishing all the circumstances of the incident.

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