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Most often, Crimeans complain of fatigue in autumn and winter.

Most often, Crimeans complain of fatigue in autumn and winter.

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the fall, Crimeans are most often overcome by fatigue, and women suffer from it more than men. Representatives of the economically active population took part in the survey of the service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob.

Autumn is the season when Crimeans most often feel tired (21% of respondents). In second place is winter (17% of votes). Only every twentieth person claims that they feel the greatest fatigue in the spring, and only 3 out of 100 — in the summer. 15% of city residents complained of chronic fatigue throughout the year. The lucky ones who feel cheerful in any season are 16%,” noted the service’s press service.

Women more often than men suffer from the autumn blues (24 and 18%, respectively) and talk about chronic fatigue (17 and 14%). Among the stronger sex there are more of those who are cheerful and active throughout the year (20% versus 13% among women).

The top 3 symptoms of autumn fatigue among respondents: loss of strength (57%), bad mood (45%), apathy and sleep disturbances (32% each).

To combat fatigue, city residents try to get enough sleep (52% of respondents), walk in the fresh air (53%) and take vitamins (30%).

Dates: November 2-14, 2023

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