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Mountain road in Crimea to be «sent» for reconstruction

Mountain road in Crimea to be «sent» for reconstruction

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Main State Expertise Department of Russia issued a positive conclusion following the review of design and estimate documentation for the construction of the first stage of the «Border with Ukraine — Simferopol — Alushta — Yalta» highway on the section km 155 — km 180. The work will take place from the village of Perevalnoye to Alushta.

The length of the four-lane highway will be 16.1 km. According to the chief expert of the project, Lyudmila Efremova, the first stage of construction of the facility is located on the territory of two municipalities of the Republic of Crimea: Simferopol district and the urban district of Alushta of the Republic of Crimea.

Three bridges, one interchange, three overpasses and four pedestrian underpasses will be constructed on this section. After reconstruction, the technical category of the road will increase to IB, – said a representative of the Main State Expertise of Russia.

The section of km 155 — km 180 of the «Border with Ukraine — Simferopol — Alushta — Yalta» highway subject to reconstruction and the new construction of the highway on the section of the bypass of the city of Alushta are a continuation of the improved, modern and sustainable transport connection of the main transport artery of the Crimean peninsula — the «Tavrida» highway with the southern coast of Crimea and its major resort towns.

The developer is the State Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Automobile Road Service of the Republic of Crimea”.

General designer – JSC VAD.

Find out more:  Форум «Истоки»: студенты творческих специальностей создадут проекты для популяризации культурного кода

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