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Mushroom pickers were rescued in the Belogorsk region. «CRIMEA-SPAS» found the lost in just half an hour

Mushroom pickers were rescued in the Belogorsk region. «CRIMEA-SPAS» found the lost in just half an hour

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Rescuers of the Belogorsk emergency rescue team «CRIMEA-SPAS» provided assistance to two lost mushroom pickers.

Yesterday afternoon, KRYM-SPAS received information that in the Upper Kok-Asan area, while picking mushrooms, a man and a woman got lost due to heavy fog. They cannot find their way on their own and need help from rescuers., — reported the emergency department. — Having arrived at the place, rescuers contacted the mushroom pickers by phone, established their approximate location and within 30 minutes found them in the area of ​​the Uskut waterfall.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Crimea took the man and woman to their personal car. They did not require medical assistance.

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