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“My hectare”: agricultural land will be offered to summer residents and farmers

“My hectare”: agricultural land will be offered to summer residents and farmers

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The experience of the “My Hectare” project, reports Russian newspaper, can be extended to all regions. The Union of Gardeners of Russia is preparing such a proposal to the government. The project involves the possibility of purchasing agricultural land for a summer cottage for little money (from 100 thousand rubles).

A round table “Integrated development of rural areas and horticulture” was held at the public platform “OPORA Rossii” using the example of the experience of the “My Hectare” project. As the Union of Gardeners clarified, the main topic of the meeting was the discussion of the possibility of extending the agreement on integrated development of territories to agricultural lands. “In the new realities, when gardening is becoming more and more popular, including among young people, 4-6 acres is no longer enough for a gardener. I am sure that gardening is moving towards the hectare,” said State Duma deputy, Chairman of the Union of Gardeners of Russia Oleg Valenchuk in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Large areas, he said, are the demographics and food security of the country as a whole.

In turn, Denis Buchelnikov, a member of the presidium of OPORA Russia and the head of the My Hectare project, believes that one hectare also has potential for a gardener-entrepreneur. And the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Vyacheslav Fetisov, emphasizes that a healthy lifestyle depends on three components: the quality of drinking water, food and the air we breathe. At the same time, State Secretary and Deputy Head of Rosreestr Alexey Butovetsky recalled the problem of recording agricultural land and noted that thanks to the government commission on the development of horticulture and truck farming created in 2022 under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, this issue has already begun to be resolved.

In accordance with the instructions of Victoria Abramchenko, Rosreestr and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia were instructed to submit, in the prescribed manner, a draft federal law providing for the establishment of the possibility of including in the Unified State Register of Real Estate information about agricultural land contained in the Unified Federal Information System about agricultural lands and lands used or provided for conducting agriculture as part of lands of other categories.

Rosreestr has developed a corresponding bill. Currently, a financial, economic and feasibility study is being prepared for it,” the department clarified to RG.

Simply put, a legislative framework is being prepared to make it easier for citizens who buy agricultural land to register ownership of it and plan construction there in the future. The Union of Gardeners promises to quickly support the bill. Proposals for the development of rural areas are being prepared for the Russian government. My Hectare» is a mass sale of plots of land, usually 1 hectare in area, that are economically accessible to a wide range of people. The project has been underway for several years, but lately the speed of its implementation has increased. The “My Hectare” project has 50 consumer cooperatives and exactly 100 villages have been implemented.

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source: Russian newspaper

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