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Nazi salute on the territory of the Sapun Gora Memorial in Sevastopol — a foreigner “distinguished himself”

Nazi salute on the territory of the Sapun Gora Memorial in Sevastopol — a foreigner “distinguished himself”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Having agreed with the position of the state prosecutor of the prosecutor’s office of the city of Sevastopol, the court issued a guilty verdict in a criminal case against a 29-year-old citizen of Ukraine.

He was found guilty under Part 4 of Art. 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (desecration of symbols of military glory of Russia, insult to the memory of defenders of the Fatherland, committed publicly, using the Internet). It was established that in January 2023, a man, while on the territory of the federal cultural heritage site “Ensemble of the Sapun Mountain Memorial Complex,” climbed the barrel of a captured German 150-mm howitzer from the Great Patriotic War and performed a Nazi salute. He published a photo of these actions on his open account on the social network VKontakte. Thus, neglecting the social, cultural and spiritual significance of the Memorial, the attacker desecrated the symbol of Russia’s military glory and insulted the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, — the press service of the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office noted.

The man’s identity was quickly established by FSB officers. He was detained and taken into custody. The investigation was conducted by investigators of the Sevastopol Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

The Sevastopol City Court, taking into account the opinion of the state prosecutor, sentenced the perpetrator to 1 year and 6 months of imprisonment in a penal colony. Also, by court verdict, he was deprived of the right to engage in activities related to posting materials on the Internet for 3 years.

source: press service of the Sevastopol Prosecutor’s Office

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