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New Year's decorations are being dismantled in parks and squares of Simferopol

New Year's decorations are being dismantled in parks and squares of Simferopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Employees of the municipal budgetary cultural institution «Capital Parks» began cleaning New Year’s decorations in the city’s parks and squares. This was announced by the director of the institution, Roman Filipenko.

Today the dismantling of Christmas tree structures in the Children’s Park and the Yuri Gagarin Park began. A team of employees removes New Year’s illuminations, toys, dismantles the basics of Christmas tree structures and dismantles photo zones— reported the press service of the Simferopol administration.

All New Year’s decorations will be removed over the next two weeks. New Year’s decorations will be stored in the warehouse until the next New Year holidays.

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