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«Night of Museums-2022» in Tauric Chersonesos — May 21

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Museum-Reserve «Chersonese Tauride» with the assistance of the Foundation for the Support of the Humanities «My History» 21 of May invites everyone to take part in the All-Russian action «Night of Museums — 2022».

This year our event is timed to coincide with three anniversaries at once: 28 years from the day foundation of the museum, 195 years from the beginning of the excavations and 175 years since the birth of K. K. Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich, who became the creator and first director of the «Warehouse of Local Antiquities» in this territory , — reported in the press service of the museum-reserve.

"Ночь музеев-2022" в Херсонесе Таврическом - 21 мая "Ночь музеев-2022" в Херсонесе Таврическом - 21 мая "Ночь музеев-2022" в Херсонесе Таврическом - 21 мая "Ночь музеев-2022" в Херсонесе Таврическом - 21 мая

Doors of Tauric Chersonesos on the night from to 28 May will be open from 8 pm to 3 am.

325124photo: press service of the Tauric Chersonese Museum-Reserve

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