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November 13 – Nicodemus Day. Hunters and fishermen are preparing to go out for winter fishing

November 13 – Nicodemus Day. Hunters and fishermen are preparing to go out for winter fishing

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 13, hunters and fishermen continued to celebrate their holiday, which they “plunged into” the day before — they were preparing to go out on winter fishing. In the southern provinces, men were resting from yesterday’s first hunt and preparing for their next trip into the forest. In the taiga regions, things were (and still are) somewhat different. Hunting and fishing here last for a long time, for several months. Such a long stay in virgin nature has always been associated with great risk to life. Therefore, the peasants in the villages were escorted to their latrine work on a grand scale. Celebrations were held in their honor, various magical rituals were performed, and they also prayed earnestly in temples so that husbands, fathers and sons would return alive, unharmed and with rich booty.

In the church on November 13, the memory of St. Nicodemus and St. Spyridon, who lived in the Near Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra in the 12th century, is honored. It is known that they spent 30 years inside the caves and were engaged in baking prosphoras. The Monk Spyridon found himself in the monastery when he was an adult, under Abbot Pimen. He accompanied his work with prayer and singing psalms. The Monk Nicodemus also worked next to Spiridon, and performed his duties no less diligently. According to legend, one day the stove caught fire, but Spiridon and Nikodim were able to put out the fire, remaining unharmed. Most likely, it was for this reason that they began to be revered as protectors from fires and other natural disasters.

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Signs of the day:

  • The bullfinch began to sing on November 13 — winter will come soon.
  • The bear built a den on a hill — in the spring, most likely, there will be a strong flood.
  • If a person was born on November 13, then he should wear turquoise as a talisman.
  • Sunny and clear weather is a sign that there will be gusty and strong winds in the coming days.
  • Sparrows chirp loudly — expect warm weather, and vice versa.
  • On November 13, the fishermen quarreled among themselves — fishing would be unsuccessful all winter.
  • The first catch must be donated to the temple or sold, and with the proceeds, buy candles to put in the church.
  • If you eat a chicken dish on this day, expect a lucky break.
  • You should not communicate with strangers — November 13 is very easy to damage.
  • Losing a button means someone has put the evil eye on a person.
  • The dream you had on November 13th will come true in 9 days.
  • The dreams of birthday people are especially favorable.
  • Whoever does not get enough sleep on November 13th will, according to the signs, not live long.
Name days are celebrated today by: Sergey, Kuzma, Vasily, Alexey, Leonid, German, Stepan, Anatoly, Yakov, Innokenty.

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