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November 16 is Anna Kholodnaya Day. Sorcerers and healers work…

November 16 is Anna Kholodnaya Day. Sorcerers and healers work…

CrimeaPRESS reports:

There was a widespread belief in Rus’: on November 16, evil spirits walk the earth and scout out how people live, and also made preparations for the Yuletide revelry. She could not cause any harm to a person, and therefore behaved quite quietly. However, the peasant also had to be careful. So, on this day it was not recommended to leave the house unless absolutely necessary and, if possible, to avoid crowded places. They postponed the long journey to another day and tried not to quarrel with each other. There was more work for sorcerers and healers, since, as they said, November 16 is most suitable for removing damage or the evil eye from a person, and therefore they had no end to visitors.

And in the old days, on this day they feasted on frozen berries (cranberries, cloudberries, lingonberries), and prepared pies, jelly and other dishes from them. They baked pancakes, froze milk on the street, cut it with a knife and served it on the table, sprinkling it with sugar.

Also on November 16, the memory of Princess Anna Vsevolodovna, who was the daughter of the Kyiv prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich, who married a Greek princess, is honored. According to legend, Anna was supposed to marry a Byzantine prince, but the wedding did not take place because the bride decided to devote herself to serving God. Around 1086, Prince Vsevolod decided to build the St. Andrew’s Monastery for his daughter, in which Anna became abbess. The abbess herself did a lot to improve the monastery. In particular, through the efforts of Anna, the first school in Europe for literacy, singing and crafts was opened, where girls could study. Anna also took an active part in the conduct of government affairs. After the death of the metropolitan, she decided to go to Byzantium and find a new metropolitan, which she managed to do in the near future.

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Signs of the day:

  • The ice on the river has risen — for the next summer’s grain harvest.
  • It was very frosty in the evening — the winter will be warm, with ringing drops. Frost in the morning — a lot of snow will fall in winter.
  • Low clouds mean frost.
  • Moles dig minks on the north side — for a thaw, on the south — for cold weather, on the west — for wet weather, on the east — it will be dry all winter.
  • Mice dig holes — to the winter cold.
  • Snow falling on damp ground means a crop failure.
  • The snow has been lying for a long time, but the trees have not yet shed their leaves — this means a lean and difficult year, as well as an epidemic.
  • The firewood does not want to flare up — it means there will be a thaw.
  • A strong flame in the stove means a snow storm.
  • Smoke coming out of the chimney in a column indicates cold weather.
  • If a person is going to leave home on November 16, he must definitely read a prayer so that nothing happens to him along the way.
  • If you put on perfume on this day, not a single perfume will touch you.
  • Those born on this day have “golden hands.” Usually such people grow up to be good masters of their craft.
Name days are celebrated today by: Vincent, Nikolai, Joseph, Ivan, Vladimir, Alexander, Bogdan, Fedor, Pavel, Fedot.

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