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November 19 is the day of Varlaam of Khutyn, Paul the Confessor

November 19 is the day of Varlaam of Khutyn, Paul the Confessor

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In addition, this day was popularly called Pavel Frozen, since the weather on this day was frosty and the rivers completely froze. The peasants began to prepare for winter fishing. They dismantled the gear, repaired it and checked it. We went fishing. By the way, it is interesting that each region of Russia had its own rituals that helped speed up the freeze-up. For example, they said that in the northern regions they appeased the merman with goodies and hard coin. Various conspiracies were also read. Even before the adoption of Christianity in Rus’, there was a rather strange and terrible custom: in order for the river to quickly become covered with ice, they said that it should accept the deceased.

On November 19, the Church honors the memory of Paul the Confessor, Bishop of Asia Minor. During Paul’s lifetime, he had to face numerous protests and attacks, since during this period there was active activity directed against Christian shrines and supporters of this faith. Paul himself, together with Saint Theophylact, was also subject to persecution and persecution, as a result of which he was killed. In addition, on November 19 the memory of Maxim the Confessor and Basil the Confessor is honored. They preached faith in Christ and although they did not suffer martyrdom, they still suffered from persecution and for their righteous life were canonized. It is interesting that Saint Paul the Confessor later began to be considered the patron saint of the sailors of the Russian Navy. In 1797, a church was consecrated in his honor, where they began to collect relics that relate to maritime history.

And on November 19, the memory of Maxim the Confessor and Basil the Confessor is honored. They preached faith in Christ and although they did not suffer martyrdom, they still suffered from persecution and for their righteous life were canonized. It is interesting that Saint Paul the Confessor later began to be considered the patron saint of the sailors of the Russian Navy. In 1797, a church was consecrated in his honor, where they began to collect relics that relate to maritime history.

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Signs of the day:

  • If snow falls on the damp ground on this day, it will melt only in the spring.
  • In general, snow on November 19 foreshadows a snowy winter, as well as a rich harvest of winter crops.
  • Scarlet dawn in the morning — for snow or rain. In the evening — to windy and cloudy weather the next morning.
  • The leaves have fallen, but it’s still warm outside – leading to a mild winter.
  • A lot of stars in the sky means cold weather. There are almost no stars — the next morning the sky will be cloudy, perhaps it will snow.
  • The stars seem more distant than usual — due to snowfall.
  • Geese swimming in water means a thaw.
  • Jackdaws croak loudly — the next day will be sunny.
  • Flocks of jackdaws and crows are circling across the sky — for snowfall. Sitting on tree branches means windy and frosty weather.
  • Coal in the stove quickly becomes covered with ash — a sign of a hard winter and severe frosts.
  • Uneven ice on rivers means a large grain harvest. Even — to crop failure.
  • Horses eat a lot on this day — they will be healthy all winter.
  • On November 19, the cow is milked well — she will continue to milk the same all winter.
Name days are celebrated today by: Nina, Seraphima, German, Anatoly, Nikita, Victor, Nikolay, Arseny, Gabriel, Pavel.

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