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November 20 – the day of Fyodor-Ledostav and the Leaping icon

November 20 – the day of Fyodor-Ledostav and the Leaping icon

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People noted that on November 20 the ice on the river completely froze. Fishermen went fishing after checking all their gear.

On November 20, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Fedot, one of the martyrs who suffered for their faith in Christ (there were about 30 people in total). It was Fedot, together with his comrades, who openly preached Christianity, despite the fact that the pagans forced him to renounce his faith. As a result, Fedot was arrested and executed.

On November 20, the day of veneration of one of the most unusual icons of the Mother of God and Child, “Leaping,” is celebrated. It is unique, first of all, in that it is the only image where the Infant Christ is depicted in motion. The icon is an ancient copy of a similar Byzantine image. She is miraculous. First of all, she is known for the benefits of prayer in case of infertility. Thanks to this face of the Mother of God, many women from all over Russia became happy mothers of long-awaited sons and daughters.

«Leaping» is considered a «feminine» icon. Next to her, not only childless couples find comfort, but also pregnant women, as well as women who already have children. Often, thanks to the prayers of the mother, seriously ill children miraculously recovered. In addition, believing women expecting a child often order a prayer service in front of the “Leaping” icon just before giving birth. It is believed that in this case the baby will be born safely and grow up strong and healthy. The Day of Remembrance of the Icon in the Russian popular consciousness was considered a triumph of maternal love. Probably, in this regard, from ancient times, on this day, special honor and respect were given to future and present mothers. Many signs and rituals were associated with them, dedicated to the date of November 20.

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Signs of the day:

  • If a woman is expecting a child, she should be especially meek and friendly on this day, spend time in prayer, thinking about the health and well-being of the future child, so that he is born easily and grows up happy.
  • Everything that a pregnant woman thinks about on November 20 will be passed on to the baby. Therefore, you should only think about the good!
  • If a young girl or pregnant woman has a snack on the go, her child will scream loudly at night.
  • Knitting on this day is a bad omen. But you can spin and weave.
  • If the expectant mother sleeps for a long time and is lazy on November 20, then the child will be born a couch potato.
  • A lot of snow fell — rye will grow well. In addition, this sign promises a large flood, and, consequently, a lot of grass in the meadows and pastures.
  • The jackdaws scream restlessly — it will snow the next day.

Name days are celebrated today by: Kirill, Alexander, Bogdan, Fedor, Mikhail, Valery, Fedot, Evgeny, Elizaveta, Alexey.

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