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November 23 – Day of Erast and Rodion. Winter…

November 23 – Day of Erast and Rodion. Winter…

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People believed that it was on Erast that winter finally shackled the earth. It was rumored that even with strong thaws, winter came literally overnight. Therefore, ordinary peasants tried not to leave the house unless necessary. Having lit the stove hotter, they spent this day behind their native walls. From this day on, domestic animals began to shed. Cats and dogs exchanged their summer coat for winter coat — thicker, with a warm fluffy undercoat. In some regions of Russia, the following tradition was dedicated to this day: to consecrate bread and salt in the temple. They believed that they would help avoid colds, which were so common during the winter cold.

On November 23, the Church honors the memory of six apostles, including Rodion and Erast. Tradition says that Erast was a disciple of St. Paul and came from a noble family. Before he believed in God, Erast held the position of city economist in the city of Corinth. It was Paul who converted Erast to faith by telling him about Jesus Christ. A little later, Erast, together with Paul, begins to travel and preach Christianity. Together they came to Jerusalem, where Erast, having left government service, began to live in the local church. According to some reports, he was a bishop in Palestine and lived to a ripe old age.

As for Rodion, he was not only a student, but also a relative of Saint Paul and served as a bishop in the city of Patras. During the reign of Emperor Nero, mass persecution of Christians was organized, as a result of which Rodion also suffered, suffering martyrdom along with Peter and Paul.

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Signs of the day:

  • If the weather is clear, sunny and snowy on November 23, then those born on this day will have good luck all year long.
  • Bad weather, thaw and slush — the weather will remain unfavorable for a long time.
  • In the morning, frost on the trees means lingering slush. The real, Russian winter will not come soon.
  • You can’t set off on the ice on Erast — it will break, no matter how strong it is.
  • The road was bad — leading to a frosty winter.
  • Lots of snow — winter will be mild.
  • Evening frost means heavy snowfall.
  • Fog spreads along the ground — a thaw.
  • Sparrows scream loudly — it means warming.
  • There is a lot of fluff in sparrow nests — this means cold weather.
  • The sparrows hid in the grass — in anticipation of a snow storm.
  • Hazel grouse spend the night next to the fir trees — a strong wind will blow at night, and frost will hit the next morning.
  • The prayer of a beggar on this day will reach God faster. Therefore, the poor on Erast were not deprived of alms.
  • If you treat someone with whom you are in a quarrel with blessed bread for Erast, reconciliation will not take long to arrive.

Name days are celebrated today by: Anna, Alexey, Peter, Nikolay, Ivan, Alexander, Denis, Konstantin, Boris, Mikhail.

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