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November 29 is the day of the Apostle Matthew. Wind blower. Don't whistle in the house!

November 29 is the day of the Apostle Matthew. Wind blower. Don't whistle in the house!

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On November 29, people said, early winter was coming. The morning hours will already be stably frosty, but thaws are possible. True, the warmer it is outside these days, the harsher and colder the winter months will be. Matvey often experienced gusty and strong winds. Therefore, people called this day Wind Blow. We didn’t do any particularly hard work today. People simply visited each other and spent time talking. Visitors were greeted with bread and salt and plentiful refreshments. But they took into account that the Nativity Fast had begun, and it was quite strict — Here.

On November 29, the church honors the memory of Matthew Levi, one of the 12 apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ. Not too much is known about him. The scripture says that Matthew previously worked as a tax collector, but when Christ met him, he ordered him to follow him. Subsequently, Matvey preached Christianity and was executed on the territory of modern Georgia in the Roman fortress of Apasaros for preaching. Traditionally, Matthew Levi is considered the author of the Gospel of Matthew, which was written in Aramaic.

Signs of the day:

  • The stronger the thaw on Matthew, the colder it will be in winter.
  • The wind has blown — there will be blizzards and blizzards until mid-December.
  • The snow has fallen and will not melt until the flood.
  • If the wind is very raging, throw a handful of raw cereal in its direction, and it will soon subside.
  • Clouds floating low in the sky mean frost.
  • If someone gave you advice on this day, you can safely follow it. The advice on November 29 is usually correct.
  • Some people have particularly acute intuition. She should be trusted too.
  • There is no way around putting something on inside out when leaving the house.
  • Whistle in the house — cockroaches will start infested.
  • To sit on the table on this day is to invite misfortune upon yourself.
  • Talking to someone across the threshold means a quarrel with that person.
  • Walking around the house in one sock, stocking or slipper means the loss of one of the parents.
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The name day of the day is celebrated today by: Makar, Victor, Ivan, Matvey, Fedor, Mikhail, Dmitry, Sergey, Vasily, Nikolay.

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