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October 27 is Praskovya Day. Be sure to treat the brownie!

October 27 is Praskovya Day. Be sure to treat the brownie!

CrimeaPRESS reports:

October 27 also has other names: Gryaznikha, Paraskeva-Friday, Gryaznikha, Linen, Paraskeva Trepalshchitsy, Poroshikha, Gryaznuhi, Spinner, Protas, Nazar.

What is remarkable about this day? Dirt. Yes, yes, exactly — with mud, which is spread everywhere by rains and the first snow. And if now this problem is not so urgent for city residents, then our ancestors had a difficult time during this period. They literally lived under a forced siege: they couldn’t get to the city, they couldn’t get to the neighboring village, it wasn’t even easy to get from their house to the neighbor’s. And if you dare to go, you will regret it: the cart will get stuck in the mud, you yourself will get dirty and wet, and then you won’t be far from catching a cold. For this reason, they tried to predict, using various signs, when the winter route would be established.

On October 27, the church honors the memory of Saint Paraskeva (Praskovya) of Serbia, who lived around the 11th century in the area adjacent to the Sea of ​​Marmara. By the way, Praskovya was born in the same family as Saint Efimy, known as Bishop Maditosa. When Praskovya’s parents died, she decided to distribute the inheritance to poor people and herself went to Constantinople to take monastic vows. Next, Paraskeva visited the Holy Land as a pilgrim and decided to settle in the Jordan Valley. She returned to her native place 2 years before her death, where she died. As eyewitnesses said, the relics of Paraskeva had miraculous properties — they helped to recover from numerous ailments.

Find out more:  Crimean Peninsula: weather October 27

And one more thing. On October 27, you must definitely appease the Brownie. In villages, for example, food was taken out into the yard to feed livestock. Indeed, under the care of this creature (according to the beliefs of our ancestors) were the cattle of the entire village estate, accordingly, the role of the spirit in this regard was the main one.

Signs of the day:

  • If there is a lot of dirt outside, then wait another four weeks until winter.
  • A bright starry sky means a good harvest.
  • If the weather is windy and dry, it means that next year the summer will be lean and dry; if it rains, this promises a good harvest.
  • If it’s dirty and the horse’s hoof print is filled with water, snow will set the winter path.
  • If the crows caw, there will be a thaw.
  • If the weather is cloudy and snowy, there will be bad weather at the end of May.
  • If the forest is covered with frost on this day, this portends a good harvest of oats; if it rains, wheat will be harvested.

Name days are celebrated today by: Kuzma, Ignatius, Praskovya, Mikhail, Nazar, Peter, Maximilian, Nikolai.

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