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October 8 is the Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Pies with cabbage?

October 8 is the Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Pies with cabbage?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

And on October 8, people called it Cabbage and Chicken Coop. Based on the weather that day, the peasants judged the onset of winter: according to their observations, the first snow falls 40 days before the start of real cold weather. As for Sergius of Radonezh, our ancestors considered him the guardian of chickens. True, for what reasons — the sources do not reveal the secret. However, it is known: the people believed that God himself spoke to them through this bird: the egg is the beginning of all beginnings, and the holiday of all holidays, Easter, is impossible without this symbol of rebirth and renewal.

In addition, on Sergius they chop cabbage and “salt it with the first frost, it’s impossible earlier — it will turn sour.” The whole family prepared this vegetable. The children peeled the carrots, the old people cut them. The rest of the family peeled the heads of cabbage, chopped them, covered them with salt, pounded them with a wooden mortar, mixed them and tamped them into barrels.

Traditionally, cabbage pies were baked, and in order for the next year to be fruitful, the first pie was buried while still warm in a cabbage patch.

What does the church say about St. Sergius of Radonezh?

  • He is considered the greatest associate of the Russian land. Having received the name Bartholomew at birth, this saint was born into the family of a boyar near Rostov. After the death of his parents, he went to serve God in the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, where his brother Stefan had previously been located. He did not stay there long, as he began to strive for solitude and, together with Stefan, founded a hermitage on the banks of the Konchura River. Stefan could not stand the ascetic lifestyle and, going to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery, became abbot there. Bartholomew himself took monastic vows at the age of 23 and received the name Sergius. Soon monks begin to come to him, which is why a monastery is created, which was later transformed into the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Sergei, who became famous for his peacefulness and humility, became its abbot. He ordered his brethren not to take alms, but to eat only the fruits of their labor. Somewhat later, Sergius founded several more monasteries in Russia. In his life he performed a large number of miracles that remain in history. For example, Sergius once resurrected a dead child, and after that they often began to come to him for healing and help. In addition, it is known that it was Sergius who was able to reconcile the warring princes, who recognized the supremacy of Prince Dmitry Ioannovich, uniting and winning the Battle of Kulikovo. The Moscow prince, going to war, came to Sergius and received a blessing from him with a prediction of victory.
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Signs of the day:

  • If the first snow falls, winter will set in on November 21 (Michael’s Day).
  • If the weather is good, it will last for three weeks.
  • If the birch leaves have not fallen by this day, then the snow will fall late.
  • The south wind means a warm winter, the north wind means a cold winter, and the west wind means a snowy winter.
  • Four weeks later, the winter route is established from Sergius.
  • If the first autumn snow comes with a snowstorm, then winter will not set in yet.
  • If the first snow is dry, then the summer will be good.
  • If the first snow falls in a thick layer on the damp ground, then next year promises to be fruitful.

Name days are celebrated today by: Prokhor, Roman, Fedor, Pavel, Sergei, Alexander, Evgeniy, German, Nikolai, Maxim.

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