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Official: archaeologists did not find a cultural layer on the ruins of ancient Balaklava dachas

Official: archaeologists did not find a cultural layer on the ruins of ancient Balaklava dachas

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A positive conclusion of the state historical and cultural examination was issued for the previously conducted archaeological research of land plots located on the Tavricheskaya embankment and Mramornaya street in Balaklava. The document was published on the Sevnaslediye website.

In September-October 2023, Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Research LLC notes «Sevastopol newspaper», conducted archaeological surveys of land on the western shore of Balaklava Bay, where the warehouse of the Schitt Cognac Factory is located, 1900-1910; doctor Pedkov’s dacha; Shcherbina’s dacha; hunting lodge of Prince Yusupov; arcade of the lower tier of Apraksin’s dacha, 1902-1907. Now this is a built-up area with cultural heritage sites located within its borders, architectural monuments erected at the beginning of the 20th century, which are in varying degrees of preservation. Within the boundaries of the plots there are also outbuildings, retaining walls, and piles of construction waste.

At the five study sites, experts carried out a visual inspection to identify visible remains of archaeological structures and excavated archaeological material, and also laid nine archaeological pits. Based on the results of the work, no archaeological artifacts or signs of a cultural layer were found at the sites. Based on this, a positive conclusion was issued, with some reservations.

At the moment, there is no information about the details of the planned use of the above land plots, including the intended use, construction projects, their parameters, etc. In this connection, it is not possible to draw a conclusion about the compliance of the conditions for the economic development of these sites with the requirements of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and to develop measures to ensure the safety of federally significant cultural objects. Noteworthy place— it is written in the act.

It also says that the report of Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Research LLC only duplicates the requirements of some points of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, which must be complied with in full, regardless of the results of the archaeological survey. Moreover, the location of the sites within the boundaries of the OKN “Notable place Ancient city of Tauride Chersonesus and the fortresses of Chembalo and Kalamita” suggests a high probability of the presence of objects of archaeological heritage, the identification of which by archaeological exploration methods is not always possible.

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Therefore, the expert issued a standard recommendation: “If, during further work, ancient architectural structures, burials and other significant archaeological objects are discovered in these areas, the work being carried out must be suspended to conduct additional archaeological research.”

What is being built in Balaklava

A yacht resort is being created in Balaklava. The project for the integrated development of Balaklava Bay is divided into several stages. First, a yacht marina is built — berths, administrative buildings, a service and repair base and a border checkpoint. A single embankment will be built along the entire bay, the surrounding area will be landscaped, and utility networks will be reconstructed.

Next will come the implementation of a series of investment projects.

The first stage of the comprehensive development of Balaklava Bay — the reconstruction of the Tavricheskaya embankment on the western side of the bay — began in 2022.

source: «Sevastopol newspaper»

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