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Officially: what hidden real estate data are available to notaries

Officially: what hidden real estate data are available to notaries

Krympress reports:

What important data on housing transactions are known to notaries, they said in the federal notary chamber.

In real estate transactions, you need to check a large amount of information, while part of the data is not available to ordinary citizens, writes RIA Real Estate. Participants in transactions can receive important information from open registers and services based on a unified notary information system. In particular, this is how you can check the power of attorney by registration number or by a QR code. But an ordinary user can only find out the fact of the presence or absence of a power of attorney.

The notary is available to the scan-image of the power of attorney, he can find out what powers the attorney has. This allows a specialist to identify a fraud attempt when a swindler changes the content of the document in his interests.

The register of hereditary cases is an open resource that allows you to find out about the discovery of a hereditary case. At the same time, information about the hereditary mass, the presence of a will is available only to a notary public, which opened a hereditary business. Data on the will are stored in a unified information system of notaries. At the same time, even a notary public does not have access to the “closed will”, these data will be available to a specialist only after the death of a person.

Since March 1, 2023, a significant part of the information from the Unified State Real Estate Register has been hidden from outsiders. Personal data of real estate owners are available only to homeowners, notaries and some employees of state bodies. The notary provides the applicant with an extract from the USRN with a surname, the name, patronymic and date of birth of the property owner, the date of the emergence of the right. When performing notarial actions, the notary receives a more detailed discharge with the passport data of the owner, the basis for the emergence of law and other information.

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The notary can request information about the location of the property, number of storeys, restrictions and encumbrances. Also, when working in a hereditary case, he can receive an extract about all the rights to real estate of the deceased person.

The notary can check the registration of a shared contract, even if the house is not built and there is no rights to the apartment. A specialist can receive an extract on the content of title documents for real estate.

When making real estate transactions, the notary can find out whether housing was purchased during the marriage, whether there is a marriage contract, an agreement on the division of property, whether real estate is joint property of the spouses, whether the wife or husband is necessary for the sale of the object. To get this information, the notary will send an electronic request to the registry office. There, the notary can receive information about the death of a person in order to prevent fraudsters from taking possession of other people’s property according to the passport of the deceased.

The notary checks the authenticity of the passport, sending a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Through the internal affairs bodies, experts find co -owners to notify them of selling a share. To learn about the presence of restrictions or prohibitions on real estate transactions, notaries apply to the Federal Bailiff Service.

The federal notarial chamber emphasized that you can’t just turn to a notary public to find out who owns a luxurious mansion on the next street. Data from closed registers can only be obtained for this, good bases prescribed in the legislation.

source: CYANOGEN

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