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On the eve of the professional holiday, the achievements of the Sevastopol tax service were celebrated

On the eve of the professional holiday, the achievements of the Sevastopol tax service were celebrated

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A solemn event was held at the Office of the Federal Tax Service in Sevastopol, where the results of the work were summed up and the employees were congratulated.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol, Vladimir Nemtsev, and the First Deputy Governor — Deputy Chairman of the Government of Sevastopol, Alexey Parikin. The head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Sevastopol, Alexey Mogila, noted that positive dynamics of revenues to the Russian budget system have been ensured. Over the 10 months of 2023, 7.4 billion rubles were mobilized into the Federal Budget. Revenues to the regional budget increased by 11% and amounted to 19 billion rubles. 12.2 billion rubles of insurance premiums were transferred to state extra-budgetary funds, which is 14% higher than the figure for 10 months of last year. Alexey Mogila also noted that the growth of revenues was undoubtedly influenced by the quality of tax administration and an important role in this process is played by reducing the administrative burden and creating comfortable conditions for paying taxes for conscientious taxpayers— reported the press service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Sevastopol.

According to Alexey Mogila, the service is implementing a client-centric public management approach, which involves changing the main methods of interaction with taxpayers, guided by the main principle of the Policy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia — taxes are simple and convenient. The actions of the tax service are aimed at expanding remote interaction with taxpayers in a proactive manner when providing services and carrying out control and supervisory activities. Today, more than 70 electronic services are available to taxpayers, allowing them to comfortably resolve issues with the service online.

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Alexey Mogila warmly thanked the team for the successes achieved and noted the best employees.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol Vladimir Nemtsev congratulated those gathered on their professional holiday and noted the effective interaction of the regional tax service with the Legislative Assembly, the information openness of the tax service and emphasized that this promotes dialogue with citizens, providing high-quality feedback with taxpayers.

First Deputy Governor — Deputy Chairman of the Government of Sevastopol Alexey Parikin noted the significant results of work achieved. He emphasized that high professionalism, integrity and accumulated experience allow us to make a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the city.

On the eve of the professional holiday, 9 employees of the Department were awarded with awards from the Government of Sevastopol, 7 employees received diplomas and thanks from the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol, 40 employees received letters of gratitude from the head of the Department for conscientious work and high professionalism, and 4 employees received departmental awards from the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

source: press service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Sevastopol

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