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On the roads of Simferopol — operation “Pedestrian! Crosswalk!»

On the roads of Simferopol — operation “Pedestrian! Crosswalk!»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In order to prevent road accidents involving pedestrians, until October 13, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is holding a preventive event on the roads of Simferopol: “Pedestrians! Crosswalk!».

Drivers should be extremely careful in areas where pedestrians may appear, and also maintain a safe distance and speed limit. Pedestrians should follow the rules of safe behavior on the roadnoted the State Traffic Inspectorate.

By the way, the results of a similar preventive measure in September were somewhat surprising. From September 11 to 18, 147 violations of the Traffic Rules were detected on the roads of Simferopol: 87 were committed by pedestrians and 60 by drivers. How will it be this time?

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