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On the stage of the anniversary festival «Tavrida.ART» the winners of the contest «AvtorA!»

On the stage of the anniversary festival «Tavrida.ART» the winners of the contest «AvtorA!»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On August 19, on the main stage of the fifth anniversary festival of young art «Tavrida.ART», a gala concert of the international competition of Russian songwriters — «AvtorA!», which is designed to draw attention to Russian promising songwriters and performers, was held. The awards were presented to the winners by the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko.

I want to say a huge thank you to Igor Matvienko, who came up with this contest. Because it’s very our way. Russia is always about authorship. Not just about copying, about repetition, but about creation, about creativity— quotes the press service of the art cluster First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

On the stage of the anniversary festival "Tavrida.ART" the winners of the contest "AuthorA!" On the stage of the anniversary festival "Tavrida.ART" the winners of the contest "AuthorA!"

«Author!» is a unique project designed to draw attention to songwriters and musical composers who are still unknown to the general public. Unfortunately, on the stage, popular songs are associated exclusively with performers, but many people are involved in the production of any variety product. First of all — the authors of poems and melodies, but they often remain behind the scenes. The competition aims to correct this and shed more light on young talents.

The main event of the competition, the gala concert, took place on August 19 on the main stage of the Tavrida.ART festival in Crimea. As part of the superfinal of the competition, the audience’s favorite artists performed — SHAMAN, Victoria Daineko, Dmitry Kharatyan, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Yulianna Karaulova, Vanya Dmitrienko, Nemila, Mitya Fomin, MARI M, the Korni and Fabrika groups and special guests of the festival — People’s Artist of Russia Nikolai Rastorguev, the Lyube group and the People’s Artist of Russia Grigory Leps, who performed the compositions of the authors who passed the competitive selection.

There was a «popular vote» in the competition, and the winner was Denis Savchenkov from the city of Balashov, Saratov region! The third place was taken by Asiyat Saygidova, the second in the competition was Kristina Shatova. The creative duo of Dilyar Khairullin from Naberezhnye Chelny and Nikolai Chebanov from Stavropol won the victory!

The first and, I hope, not the last season of our contest «Author!» showed that the interest in the song in Russian is great. We partially tried to make up for the lack of new songs, which, of course, still remains. For a long time, the authors were the same, they, of course, were not enough. And the new creators could not find their way to the performers. Their songs remained unheard for a long time. And we are very glad that the authors are finally slowly becoming known. I know many stories from the authors themselves, who, because of our competition, literally got up and went to the studio, believed in their strength and their creativity. Many have found like-minded people in our community on VKontakte, their work is in full swing. They are from different cities and countries, but no distances with modern recording technologies are an obstacle for them. We have received more than 10 thousand applications, and this is a huge number, if you think about it. This season has already ended, but the authors continue to write and send their songs. They see the result — clips for the songs of our authors performed by the most popular artists, their performances at big concerts, they hear the songs of the contestants in playlists and charts. And this means that we are fulfilling our main task, giving the very necessary incentive to help creative people, regardless of gender, age and profession, create and create something new. And most importantly — in Russian. We are proud of each participant and encourage those who did not manage to get to the final, do not stop, develop and move on! Some of our authors sent a song to all creative assignments and eventually found their artist. Let’s hope that our competition will live happily ever after, unite people and replenish the golden fund of our Russian music— says the composer, producer, people’s artist of Russia and «Legend of Taurida» Igor Matvienko.

Contest «Author!» was born in August 2022 and immediately attracted the attention of the general public. Here, under the mentorship of Russian pop stars, participants of completely different professions gathered, united by the desire and desire to create and create new hits for the Russian stage. The competition has become a real springboard for the authors in the world of domestic show business, giving the creators a chance to prove themselves on the national stage.

The contestants were auditioned interactively during pitching sessions with the jury members. The fate of the participants was decided both by recognized masters of modern Russian music, such as Igor Matvienko, Nikolai Rastorguev, Alexander Shaganov, Lyubov Uspenskaya, and young stars: SHAMAN, Vanya Dmitrienko, Mia Boyko and others.

Project «Author!» implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

source: press service of the art cluster «Tavrida.ART»

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