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Only 1 out of 3 Crimeans agree to submit their biometric data

Only 1 out of 3 Crimeans agree to submit their biometric data

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In a survey of a service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob Representatives of the economically active population from Crimea took part.

16% of Crimeans have already received an offer to submit biometric data. Most often, such offers come from large banks and the State Services website. Employers can also collect biometrics (for example, for the purpose of ensuring access control — by retina or fingerprint). However, only 32% of those who received such an offer agree to provide their biometric data; every second person refuses,” noted the service’s press service.

There are more men who have encountered requests to collect biometric data, but they are more likely than women to refuse. Distrust in the level of protection of personal information in society is strong: the proportion of those who are not ready to take biometrics is growing.

Dates: May 26-30, 2024

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