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Over 10 years, more than 130 cultural institutions have been overhauled in Crimea

Over 10 years, more than 130 cultural institutions have been overhauled in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

25 cultural heritage sites have also been restored.

In his congratulations on the Day of Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation, the Head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov recalled that over the past ten years, major repairs have been carried out in 136 cultural institutions in the Republic, as well as repair and restoration work at 25 cultural heritage sites.

Museums, theaters and other cultural institutions are increasingly attracting young people. The Pushkin Card program is in effect: from the beginning of its launch until the end of 2023, more than 180 thousand tickets have been purchased,” Aksyonov noted.

The head of the Republic of Crimea thanked all cultural workers of Crimea for their conscientious, selfless work, wishing them new professional successes and achievements.

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