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Over the weekend, “CRIMEA-SPAS” went out three times to respond to calls for help

Over the weekend, “CRIMEA-SPAS” went out three times to respond to calls for help

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The chronicle of the work of “CRIMEA-SPAS” over the past weekend is as follows:

  • On June 1, the rescue service received information that on the top of Eklizi-Burun (Alushta), a man who was in a group of tourists received an arm injury (open fracture). The help of rescuers was required in his evacuation from the mountainous forest area.

4 employees from the duty shift of the Alushta ASO went to the search and rescue area. Upon arrival, rescuers quickly located the victim. As it turned out, the man accidentally tripped and fell.

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