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Parents of the schoolchildren of Sevastopol passed a test exam

Parents of the schoolchildren of Sevastopol passed a test exam

Krympress reports:

All -Russian action «We rent together. The day of delivery of the exam by parents ”is held for the ninth year in a row and aims at familiarizing parents, representatives of the public with the order and the rules for conducting a single state exam. In Sevastopol, the All -Russian action took place on the basis of the Ecotech+school.

Together with the parents, the director of the Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol, Maxim Krivonos and the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in Sevastopol, Marina Peschanskaya took part in the action.

It is important for us to show our parents how registration on the exam is and is organized by the seedling of participants in the audiences, how the workplaces of participants in the Unified State Examination look like, how to control the objectivity of the USE, how the seal and scanning of control materials at the examination point occur. Parents must understand that the atmosphere on the exam is friendly, calm. It is important for a graduate to focus on his examination task and show all his knowledge. Graduates themselves were invited to participate in the trial exam in basic mathematics, so that together with their parents they can better understand the procedure and dispel their fears on the eve of the exams. In addition, training events for graduates are systematically held throughout the year,-quoted the press service of the Government of Sevastopol Maxim Krivonos.

On this day, parents got the opportunity to change places with their children and go through the entire exam procedure from passage to the examination point to getting their results.

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The participants in the action learned how the exam was organized, learned about the requirements and structure of tasks, and were also able to pass the test version of the exam. This year, parents were invited to write an abbreviated version of the exam in basic mathematics, which gives an idea of ​​the examination tasks of various types.

In the continuation of the event, a conference was held on the topic «Features of the organization of the exam in 2025.» Experts of subject commissions in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology told parents about the features of the examination campaign of the current year, about typical mistakes made by graduates on exams and how to help the child fight stress during the exams.

The All -Russian action on the exam has ended with a charitable environmental event. In order to patriotic education of children, the alley of cypresses in the kindergarten as part of the Ecotech+school took place.

The action was timed to the year of the defender of the Fatherland and the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory, and the alley was symbolic symbolically called «100-point contribution to the victory.» As part of the environmental initiative, the regional center for informatization and assessment of the quality of education purchased trees at funds received from the processing of waste paper collected as a result of the use of paper products during the exams of previous years, — noted the director of the Department of Education and Science.

Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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