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Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

CrimeaPRESS reports:

State Duma deputy Leonid Babashov paid a working visit to Evpatoria. Accompanied by the city authorities, he visited a number of facilities where construction and reconstruction work is being carried out.

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

The deputy checked the progress of laying the conduit on the street. Second Guards Army. The new branch will be about 12 kilometers long, and its capacity will be 4,000 cubic meters per hour. To date, there is no delay from the schedule. The commissioning of the facility is scheduled for July 2024. The new conduit will provide residents of Yevpatoriya and guests of the resort with uninterrupted water supply.

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

In kindergarten No. 33 «Grasshopper» the overhaul of the roof, windows and doors, as well as the facade continues. According to the head of the administration of Yevpatoriya Elena Demidova, roofing work has been completed, doors and windows have been replaced in full. Now the external insulation continues. Interestingly, different contractors have been identified for all three types of work.

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

Two of them have already coped with their task, we hope that the third one will not let us down either.the head of administration emphasized.

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

Another object of the parliamentary check was the renovated canteen of secondary school No. 7, which was repaired over two summer months. Here, the premises were re-planned in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and taking into account fire safety, the power supply network was replaced, as well as water supply, sewerage and heating systems, and new equipment was purchased.

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

Everything must be done so that children go to beautiful and comfortable kindergartens and schools. Roads, sidewalks should also be repaired, sports grounds should be installed. This work is being done gradually. And if we compare Evpatoria from 2014 to 2023, then this is a completely different city. Of course, a lot has been done and just as much, if not more, work remains to be done.— summed up the results of the working trip Leonid Babashov.

Parliamentary review. What is being built and repaired in Evpatoria

Photos and materials: Department of Public Relations and Media of the Administration of Evpatoria.

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