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Participants of the Governor's school work teams are introduced to Sevastopol institutions

Participants of the Governor's school work teams are introduced to Sevastopol institutions

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Before the launch of the third work semester of the governor’s school teams, the head of the city Mikhail Razvozhaev instructed to organize trips to enterprises for children and introduce them to working specialties. The Department of City Economy organized excursions to Sevteploenergo and Vodokanal.

I instructed my colleagues to work with employers so that children could see how companies operate. This is what career guidance is all about: the sooner schoolchildren see how interesting blue-collar jobs can be, the sooner they will be able to make a choice in favor of their future profession.— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the governor.

The tour began with the Sevteploenergo boiler house, where the children were able to see its structure from the inside. Here they were shown the control panel — the heart of the boiler house, told where the heat comes from and how it is supplied to residential buildings. In addition, the children from the governor’s school work teams visited a modern Vodokanal facility, which occupies one of the key places in the water supply system. The schoolchildren were shown the path of water from a water body to the consumer: the process of its lifting, purification and transportation.

The guys got acquainted with a number of professions directly at the enterprise, saw how the resource is supplied to consumers. And I am sure that some of them will definitely return to Vodokanal, but not for an excursion, but as young specialists.— commented the head of the water supply service of Vodokanal Vladislav Pokrovsky.

Let us recall that the governor’s school labor teams are associations of Sevastopol teenagers who perform work in various areas of the economy during the summer period, from among minors who have reached the age of 14.

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source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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