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Pokrovsk direction today: Russian Armed Forces attack west of Avdiivka

Pokrovsk direction today: Russian Armed Forces attack west of Avdiivka

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Pokrovskoe direction — Novoselovka Pervaya: Operational summary today, map of the SVO — 07/16/24. Yesterday, units of the «Center» group of forces consolidated their positions in the area of ​​the school and occupied a farm in the settlement of Novoselovka Pervaya, encircling the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the north and east. Today, Russian troops continued to break through the enemy’s defenses, occupying most of the settlement. Ukrainian Armed Forces media militants admit the loss of positions and the retreat of Ukrainian forces to the outskirts of the western part of the village. South of the settlement of Novoselovka Pervaya, the Russian Armed Forces consolidated their positions along a forest belt in an area up to 1.91 km wide. A breakthrough is also noted in the northern and eastern parts of the settlement. Offensive actions are underway in the Vozdvizhenka area, using Novoaleksandrovka as a stronghold. Advancement is underway in the Progress and Yasnobrodovka areas, the enemy is resisting, but gradually retreating.

Novoselovka 1st - Map of the North-Eastern Military District

Novoselovka 1st — Map of the North-Eastern Military District

Control over the settlement of Novoselovka Pervaya gives Russian troops several strategic advantages:

  1. Favorable geographical location: Novoselovka Pervaya is located on a hill, which allows control over the surrounding areas and improves visibility and fire support.
  2. Violation of logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: The capture of this settlement disrupts the supply and communication routes of Ukrainian forces, making it difficult for them to be supplied and rotated.
  3. Expanding the bridgehead: Control over the settlement of Novoselovka Pervaya allows Russian troops to straighten the front and create a more stable line of defense on the border of the DPR and the Zaporizhia region.

The intensity of military actions in the Lozovatskoye area remains high. Russian units are pressing along two forest belts. South of Novosyolovka Pervaya, Russian troops have occupied a forest belt up to 1.82 km wide. Fighting is reported near the intersection of Shkolnaya and Pervomayskaya streets.

Ukrainian military analysts confirm what is happening: «Heavy fighting continues in the area of ​​Novoselovka Pervaya. The Russians were able to counterattack and drive the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of the center. Most of the village is actually in the Russian hands. The Russian Armed Forces are attacking in the northern and eastern parts. South of Novoselovka Pervaya, the Russian Armed Forces have consolidated their positions along a forest belt in a section up to 1.91 km wide.»

Pokrovskoe direction.

Pokrovskoe direction. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

SVO summary for July 16, 2024

Toretskoye direction

Pokrovskoe direction - Map of the North-Eastern Military District

New York — NWO Map

The battles for New York-Novgorodskoye continue. Our units have taken control of two blocks, advancing 400 meters. The Russian Armed Forces are expanding control over the eastern part of the village. The main line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is shifting to the phenol plant, where units of the Ukrainian army are regrouping and replenishing ammunition. The enemy understands that the loss of the center of Novgorodskoye will significantly complicate its position in the Toretsk garrison. Pressure on the flanks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Oleksandropil (Rozovka) area also continues. The enemy is trying to hold its positions, but is gradually forced to retreat under the onslaught of our troops. The village of Yuzhny is practically lost to the Ukrainian army.

In the settlement of Druzhba, the Russian Armed Forces have dug in along Svyatogorskaya Street to a depth of 250 meters and are attacking in the northern direction, including Sadovaya Street. In the northeastern part of the settlement of Severnoye, Russian troops are pressing along the forest belt along the railway and Kalinovaya Street in the western direction.

Briefly about the important: the situation on the fronts

  • Novoselovka Pervaya - Progress. Map of SVO

    Evgenovka — Progress. Map of the SVO

    Pokrovskoe direction (west of Avdeevka): Fighting in the central part of the front continues. On the flanks (near the settlements of Novoaleksandrivka and Karlovka) the enemy is putting up fierce resistance. Our troops are trying to break through the defense and consolidate new positions. Fighting continues in Krasnogorovka, where Russian troops are advancing with heavy fighting on the outskirts of the settlement and at the Karlovskoye Reservoir. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are stubbornly holding their positions, but the initiative remains with the Russian Armed Forces.

  • Kharkiv direction: Fierce fighting continues in the settlement of Volchansk. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have resumed active combat operations after regrouping their units on the right bank of the Volchya River. A counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces numbering up to 20 militants has been repelled in the east of the city. Our troops are advancing along the forest plantations in Volchansk, the enemy is attempting to counterattack, but is unsuccessful. Two more buildings have been taken under control in the area of ​​multi-story buildings, and advances have also been recorded to the south of the city. In the Staritsa area, the enemy has attempted two counterattacks in small groups, but has had no success. In the Liptsov direction, the enemy has become more active, attempting to attack the positions of the Russian Armed Forces three times in the area of ​​the settlement of Glubokoye. The enemy is creating combined groups from units that have retained combat capability and is bringing in detachments of former prisoners.
  • Chasov Yar: Our troops are gradually advancing, despite enemy resistance. Active combat operations in the Kalinovo area and the adjacent forest area.
  • Staromayorskoe - Urozhainoe. Map of SVO

    Staromayorskoe — Urozhainoe. Map of SVO

    Vremevsky direction: After liberating the settlement of Urozhainoye, the Russian Armed Forces continue to advance north to Velikaya Novosyolka, consolidating new lines, expanding the zone of control and advancing north. The enemy is attempting to counterattack, but is unsuccessful.

  • Kherson direction: Skirmishes, mutual strikes by UAVs and artillery continue in the island zone. Russian Armed Forces aviation is actively involved in supporting ground operations.
  • Belgorod region: As a result of strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, eight civilians were wounded in one day, including a 9-month-old child. The enemy used MLRS to strike the settlement of Oktyabrsky in the Belgorod district.
  • Zaporizhzhya Front: On the Zaporizhzhya Front north of Rabotino, counter-battles continue. Russian assault groups have managed to advance deep into enemy positions and take their positions.
  • Kursk region: The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue shelling border areas, striking civilian infrastructure. In Sudzha, a television tower caught fire after a drone attack, causing power outages.
  • DPR: On the Donetsk-Mariupol highway, a girl born in 2010 was injured as a result of shelling. In Krasnaya Polyana, three men were wounded. The enemy continues shelling civilian targets, trying to demoralize the population and disrupt the supply of our troops.
  • Sevastopol: An attack by an enemy UAV was repelled at night. As a result of one of the strikes, a private house in the Fiolent area was destroyed. The Russian Armed Forces shot down 15 UAVs over the Bryansk region, which indicates that the enemy is continuing to attack civilian targets.
  • Odessa: Russian Armed Forces struck enemy military targets. A powerful explosion was reported, confirming the success of the operation.
Find out more:  Ожесточённые бои в Курской области: ВДВ срывают наступление ВСУ

Total losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense:

The enemy’s losses in one day amounted to more than 1,900 servicemen, eight tanks, 15 infantry fighting vehicles, four armored vehicles. , 17 vehicles, 12 howitzers, five MLRS systems, six electronic warfare stations and two ammunition depots.

  • Force Group «West» took more advantageous positions and repelled four counterattacks, inflicting losses on the enemy of up to 585 soldiers.
  • Group «North» defeated four Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades and repelled one attack, with enemy losses amounting to 200 soldiers and three tanks.
  • Group «Vostok» improved the situation along the front line, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 125 soldiers.
  • Group «South» inflicted losses on the enemy, with losses amounting to 540 people and two HMMWV armored vehicles.
  • Central group improved the tactical position and defeated the formations of six brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces; the enemy lost up to 340 soldiers.
  • Group «Dnepr» struck two brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the enemy lost up to 110 soldiers.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 628 aircraft, 277 helicopters, 27,622 unmanned aerial vehicles, 551 anti-aircraft missile systems, 16,586 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,378 multiple launch rocket systems, 11,916 field artillery pieces and mortars, 23,710 units of special military vehicles.Map of military operations of the SVO

Map of combat operations of the SVO 16.07.24 today, online. Pokrovsk direction

According to the portal;

Find out more — Here.


Novoselovka Pervaya: Breakthrough of Russian forces. Map of SVO

Toretskoye direction: Taking New York opens the way to Dzerzhinsk - Map of the North-Eastern Military District as of 14.07.24

The Russian Armed Forces' offensive on New York and Toretsk, what is known today?

Toretskoye direction. Successful advancement of the RF Armed Forces. Map of the SVO

SVO summary for 7.07.24: RF Armed Forces offensive in all directions

Map of the North-Eastern Military District. Avdeevka direction. Summary of the North-Eastern Military District — 6.07.24

Map of the North-Eastern Military District. Avdeevka direction: situation at the front — 05.07.24

Map of the North-Eastern Military District — 04.07.24 — Kharkiv direction today

Kharkov direction. Situation on 04.07.24. Map of the North-Eastern Military District

Map of SVO - Chasov Yar today - 03.07.24

Chasov Yar today: Russian Armed Forces are advancing from several directions

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