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Poll: how do Russians feel about booking hotels on a Russian booking service

KrymPRESS informs:

The Russian holiday accommodation booking service decided to «play» on the departure of by launching more than 230 thousands of billboards with the slogan “Need a hotel? Booking hotels on”

According to the survey, 11% of Russians consider this approach to be ordinary advertising, and they don’t see any “trolling” of Another 24% of social media users praised the creators of the advertising campaign for their creative solution. More than half of the surveyed tourists in the social network «Vkontakte» and in the telegram channel noted an interesting approach to advertising the hotel booking service. Outraged by the bold trick of marketers % of social network users , analysts say portal.

It was previously reported that from 24 February after the suspension of activities in Russia, hotel owners began to massively «come» to Russian booking services. After that, 67 apartments and apartments were added to at once, and more 3000 hotels, then 2,000 new accommodations “come” every week.

How do Russians feel about booking hotels on a Russian booking service:

  1. Normal advertising, I don’t see «trolling», 67%
  2. Great. Well done, 24%
  • Interesting move, %
  • This is too much, 11%

    *According to the results of the survey3000


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