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Popular Front: In Russia, a lack of engineering personnel at enterprises and difficulties in their preparation starting from school

Popular Front: In Russia, a lack of engineering personnel at enterprises and difficulties in their preparation starting from school

Krympress reports:

The Popular Front organized monitoring, 4,000 respondents took part in it, including university students, colleges, enterprise workers and business representatives from 80 regions of the country. Problems begin with school due to a lack of mathematics and physics teachers and end in interaction with the factories themselves.

Most respondents, 65%, believe that higher education does not provide them with the necessary practical skills for real work. 38% of the respondents said that they did not come in handy, the share of dissatisfied with the education received is especially high among young specialists under 33 years old.

What is curious if 77% of respondents were ready in the first year, then by the end of the training only 56%. Our enterprises take, of course, they need any specialists in the profile, but with great pleasure and hunting they take specialists who have experience from one year to three years, and from 3 to 6 years old prefer. Therefore, the point is not only that students and graduate students can earn money. It is necessary to proceed from building their work so that it is beneficial for their future profession, — emphasized Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In Crimea, industry has been actively developing in recent years, especially shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, and chemical industry. However, one of the challenges remains the provision of engineering personnel — the need is more than 1,200 jobs at the industrial enterprises of the peninsula.

In addition to state support measures, on the initiative of the Fiolent, Popular Front and KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky has been created for 9 years as a basic department of training specialists. Thanks to it, it was possible to create a new block of disciplines at the Department of Computer Engineering and Modeling, the Department of Experimental Physics, and integrate modern training courses in the educational process for engineering specialties.

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At the same time, Crimean factories not only actively support our fighters, but are also ready to hire them!

Source: Popular Front in Crimea

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