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Possibly: Russians will be able to save on utilities

Possibly: Russians will be able to save on utilities

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Back in 2014, regional authorities received the right to make a decision on a phased transition to uniform standards for the consumption of utility services on their territory. The procedure was supposed to be completed by the end of this year, but it is proposed to postpone the deadline to January 1, 2025. This will prevent a sharp increase in payments primarily for heating in apartment buildings. This draft government resolution was posted on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts on September 19.

Despite all the usefulness of the initiative, the State Duma, however, believes that regional authorities should more actively introduce metering devices in high-rise buildings and increase their energy efficiency, which would reduce resource consumption, and therefore fees for them, without resorting to administrative extremes. About it «Parliamentary newspaper» said Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Svetlana Razvorotneva.

Payment will not rise sharply

According to the current rules, regional authorities have the right to decide on a phased transition to unified standards, subject to the approval of energy saving and energy efficiency programs in certain categories of apartment buildings, including the installation of metering devices. If such a decision was made, then uniform standards in the constituent entities should have appeared no later than January 1, 2024.

However, not all regions were ready for this, explained Svetlana Razvorotneva. Therefore, the Ministry of Construction proposes to postpone the deadline for achieving uniform utility standards for another year “and in the future exclude their regular extension.”

Making these changes is very important, since it will prevent a sharp increase in payments, primarily for heating, in apartment buildings that are not equipped with metering devices, due to the use of incorrect utility consumption standards when paying for housing and communal services, — reported in the explanatory note to the draft resolution.

A special procedure for the entry into force of the document from the date of its official publication is necessary to eliminate the risks of social tension, its authors specify.

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Increase energy efficiency

The unified standards themselves make it possible, based on real calculations, to determine heating costs in different types of houses if they are not equipped with metering devices, clarified Svetlana Razvorotneva.

The laws of physics have not been repealed. And if the houses are old, with few apartments, their heating costs per square meter or per payer are, of course, significantly higher than in new multi-story buildings. It should be taken into account that not the wealthiest people live in such old houses. Therefore, deputies began to sound the alarm many years ago and several times for this reason the authorities postponed the introduction of uniform standards in the territories of their constituent entities.“,” notes the deputy.

On the other hand, the parliamentarian believes, instead of constantly moving deadlines, “it would be better for the regions and municipalities, together with the Ministry of Construction, to make some systematic efforts to equip these houses with metering devices and increase energy efficiency.” After all, according to the Accounts Chamber, a significant part of the regional consolidated budget today goes precisely to subsidizing the shortfall in income of heat supply organizations. Due to the low energy efficiency of houses, some of the heat never reaches the consumer.

Svetlana Razvorotneva recalled that according to the current law, metering devices in houses should have appeared by January 1, 2021.

A lot of time has passed and we still haven’t completed this task. Now we are constantly discussing how we should calculate the standardssays the deputy.

She added that in many regions there are now standards lower than those that are actually justified, “this leads to the fact that in many apartment buildings, even if metering devices are installed, they quickly break down, because people really see that they are paying more.” The legislator therefore does not exclude that the measure proposed by the Ministry of Construction will allow residents to save on heating.

source: «Parliamentary newspaper»

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