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Preparatory work on the reconstruction of dormitories at SevSU has started in Sevastopol

Preparatory work on the reconstruction of dormitories at SevSU has started in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In September 2023, builders began preparatory work for the reconstruction of dormitories with an area of ​​​​more than 60 thousand square meters. m for Sevastopol State University. This was reported in the press service of the «Single customer in the field of construction», which controls the construction of the educational facility.

Work on the reconstruction and construction of dormitories at SevGU is carried out within the framework of the State Program of the Russian Federation «Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol». Currently, specialists are carrying out preparatory and dismantling work at the facility being reconstructed. The construction of new dormitories is planned to be completed by 2026— noted in the press service of the company.

The press service of the «Single Customer» also added that more than 2,500 students and employees will be able to live in dormitories.

The architectural feature of the dormitories will be a special warm-colored lighting that will emphasize the style of the buildings. Thanks to it, the campus will be additionally illuminated at night, which will significantly decorate the main street. The development area will be available not only to students and teachers, but to residents and guests of the city.

The press service of the «Single Customer» reminded that co-working spaces, spaces for students and teachers, and public organizations of the university will appear in the dormitories. Dormitories will also be fully equipped for people with limited mobility.

The design and subsequent construction of dormitories and infrastructure facilities for the Sevastopol State University in accordance with the concluded State contract is carried out by the State Unitary Enterprise «Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt».

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