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President of the Notary Chamber of Sevastopol Olga Kalenkovich: “Happy Victory Day!”

President of the Notary Chamber of Sevastopol Olga Kalenkovich: “Happy Victory Day!”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Dear veterans and residents of the hero city of Sevastopol!

On behalf of the city notaryI congratulate you on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War!

This holiday will always have special meaning for our city! Exactly 80 years ago, on May 9, 1944, Sevastopol was liberated from the Nazi invaders by soldiers and officers of the Red Army, Black Sea sailors and participants in the partisan movement. The Sevastopol land was cleansed from fascist filth at an unimaginable price; the significance of this event, both in strategic and spiritual senses, is difficult to overestimate. The liberation of Sevastopol became a significant step on the path to the Great Victory! There was still a whole year of heavy fighting left before it; not only Russia had to be liberated from the fascist yokeRussian lands, but also European countries.

There is not a single family on the territory of our vast RoDina, which would not have been touched by the war, therefore the Great Victory is an invaluable asset of the entire Russian people.

We are all descendants of heroes who saved the Fatherland, crushed Nazism, and preserved their inner strength and dignity. Their heroism will forever remain an unshakable moral and spiritual guideline for us.

Less than 8 decades have passed since the scarlet banner of the Red Army rose above the Reichstag, when the world community wanted to turn this terrible page of history, because the truth about fascism looks too inhuman and inconvenient. But for the Russian people, the duty to preserve a world without fascism was and remains a historical duty in the face of their ancestors. Therefore, the events taking place today make us feel the connection of times and generations in a new way. For more than two years, the Russian people have been fighting again on the battlefield against fascism.

May 9 is a day on which I want to say a lot of kind words to all the war defenders, but the most important word is “Thank you!” Thank you, dear veterans, home front workers and partisans, low bow to you! We remember all your exploits and are endlessly proud of you!

On this festive day, I would like to wish everyone good health, peace, prosperity and the fulfillment of all assigned tasks!

President of the Notary Chamber of the City of Sevastopol — Olga Kalenkovich

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