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Product testing: Products go a long way to reach consumers. Certification nuances

Product testing: Products go a long way to reach consumers. Certification nuances

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The product certification testing process is a procedure designed to verify the compliance of products with certain standards and requirements established in accordance with legislation or industry standards. The purpose of certification is to ensure the safety, quality and compliance of products with established standards —

In general, the certification process includes the following steps:

  • product preparation: The manufacturer prepares products for certification, paying attention to compliance with all necessary requirements and standards.
  • choosing an accredited laboratory or certification body: the manufacturer selects an authorized company (institution) that will test the product. This may be a laboratory specializing in certain types of products, or an independent certification body.
  • Product testing: Products are subjected to various tests and measurements in accordance with established standards. This may include physical, chemical, electrical or other types of testing, depending on the nature of the product.
  • conformity assessment: Based on the test results, the product’s compliance with the established requirements is assessed. If the product meets the standards, it is awarded a certificate.
  • certificate issuance: in case of successful certification, the certification body issues a corresponding certificate confirming that the product meets the established standards and requirements.

The certification process may vary depending on the type of product and regulatory requirements in a particular country or region. It is important for protecting the interests of consumers, ensuring the safety and quality of products on the market.

Product testing — product categories

Product testing and certification requirements may vary depending on the type of product and the laws of a particular country or region. However, there are certain categories of goods for which mandatory certification is often provided. Some of these categories include:

  • electrical products: electrical devices, electronics, household and industrial electrical equipment, electrical components, etc.
  • Medical equipment: medical devices, diagnostic and treatment equipment, medical consumables.
  • automotive products:aCars and their components, auto parts.
  • food industry products: food, drinks.
  • building materials and products: materials for construction, plumbing, electrical systems in construction.
  • toys, children’s goods and children’s products.
  • Safety related products: personal protective equipment, fire protection equipment.
  • chemical products: chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides.

Whether certification is required may depend on the country or region in which the product is intended for sale. Some countries may have their own mandatory standards and requirements, while in others international standards may apply.

Consumers typically rely on certification to ensure that products are safe, meet established standards, and do not pose a health risk.

Product testing — who conducts it?

Product testing and certification are carried out by specialized organizations, usually called testing laboratories or certification bodies. These organizations have certain certificates, accreditations and licenses that allow them to conduct testing and issue certificates of product conformity.

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Certification bodies are often independent organizations or institutions, although in some cases they may be part of government agencies. They must meet certain standards and requirements to ensure objectivity and reliability of the certification process.

Some certification bodies are also accredited by national or international accreditation organizations. Accreditation confirms that the certification body meets certain standards and competency criteria. For example, many countries have national accreditation bodies that approve or license laboratories and certification bodies in their jurisdiction.

Manufacturers turn to these bodies to conduct tests on their products, and if the product passes the tests and meets the established standards, it receives a certificate of conformity. This certificate can be used when selling products on the market, increasing the level of confidence among consumers and regulatory authorities.

Does this mean that products that must be certified do not reach the shelves if they do not undergo this procedure? Experts here note: different countries and industries have different rules and requirements regarding mandatory product certification. In some cases, uncertified products may be prohibited from sale, while in other cases they may be permitted, but their sale may be limited or difficult.

Here are some common scenarios:

  • mandatory certification: In some industries and for certain types of products, certification is required. This may include electrical devices, medical equipment, automobiles, etc. In such cases, products that are not certified cannot be legally sold on the market.
  • voluntary certification: For some products, certification is voluntary, but has great value for the manufacturer in the context of competition and consumer confidence. Products that are not certified may face problems with competition and consumer trust.
  • strict sales rules: In some cases, retail stores or online platforms may have rules requiring products to be certified before they are listed on their platforms. Such platforms can monitor product compliance with certain standards and safety requirements.

It is important to check the specific rules and requirements for your specific industry and region to understand what measures apply to products that require certification. Manufacturers typically seek certification to confirm the quality and safety of their products, which leads to better consumer acceptance.

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