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Raspberries and strawberries are grown in Kazakhstan using a unique technology

Raspberries and strawberries are grown in Kazakhstan using a unique technology

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Acting Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea Alime Zaredinova announced that a project for growing raspberries and strawberries using a unique technology of accelerated fruiting is being implemented in Crimea.

As a result of this project, one of the republic’s enterprises is creating its own nursery. Alime Zaredinova said that this agricultural producer grows strawberries and raspberries in protected ground using a unique technology. In the future, the farmer plans to automate production and create a nursery with its own breeding laboratory.

Despite natural disasters, as a result of which the enterprise suffered greatly in 2022, it not only continues to operate, but also increases the area of ​​greenhouses and creates its own nursery. Crimea has always had favorable weather and climatic conditions for the development of berry production. The berries are grown both indoors and outdoors. In greenhouses, for example, garden strawberries grow on approximately 24 hectares, in which strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are also grown.

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