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Reconstruction of the main water pipelines of Kerch is 62% completed

Reconstruction of the main water pipelines of Kerch is 62% completed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

As part of the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation “Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, in the territories of the municipal formation of the Kerch urban district and the Leninsky district of the Republic of Crimea, the reconstruction of main water pipelines with a total length of 18.166 km is being carried out.

The construction of the facility is carried out in accordance with the state contract for construction and installation work concluded between the customer (developer) State Treasury Institution of the Republic of Crimea «Investment and Construction Department of the Republic of Crimea» and the Limited Liability Company «Master-Yug».

The cost of the object is 1,162.62 million rubles.

The object is a complex engineering structure of great length. According to the design and estimate documentation, it is planned to reconstruct six sections of the main water pipeline. This is more than 4 thousand kilometers on section No. 1 from the VOS to the water distribution point, 4,115 kilometers on section No. 2 from the VOS to the Feodosiya highway, as well as 2,188 and 1,985 kilometers on sections No. 3 from the VOS to the Industrial highway and No. 4 from the Feodosiya camera to the RCHV «Telecentre» respectively. In addition, sections No. 5 from the Adzhimushkayskaya PS to the Tower PS — 2.859 kilometers and No. 6 from the Adzhimushkayskaya PS — st. General Petrov — st. Voykova — st. Engels to the NS «Tower» — 2,950 kilometerssaid the Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Crimea E. Shchegolev.

Construction and installation work on the facility continues according to the established schedule. The following work is being carried out on the section from the Feodosia Chamber to the Telecentre RHF: installation of the pipeline, installation of water supply chambers, dismantling of the old pipeline, welding of pipes and development of a trench for installation.

In the section from “Adzhimushkayskaya” to the “Tower” station in Kerch, installation of pipelines and water supply chambers, installation of transitions, welding of pipes and development of a trench are also carried out.

Additionally, in the Adzhimushkayskaya section — st. Generala Petrov — st. Voykova — st. Engels to the «Tower» station in Kerch, work is underway to install the pipeline, install water chambers and dismantle the pipeline.

Completion of all work is scheduled for the third quarter of 2025.

Eduard Shchegolev also noted that within the framework of the State Program, the activities of which are aimed at improving the quality of life in the region, the implementation of 757 objects is envisaged. Currently, 485 objects have been completed, including: 3 water supply objects, 26 water disposal objects, 23 water supply objects, 4 hydraulic structures.

This will significantly improve the region’s infrastructure, increase the level of comfort for residents and ensure more reliable water supply and sanitation. It is important to note that each completed construction is a step towards improving the quality of life of people, and we continue to actively work on the implementation of all planned activities.

Reconstruction of the main water pipelines of Kerch is 62% completed

Photo: Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Crimea

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