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Representatives of the Sevastopol fishing cluster work in the Republic of Djibouti

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A delegation from the Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas of the Russian Academy of Sciences is working in the Republic of Djibouti. This is a state in East Africa, bordering Eritrea, Ethiopia and unrecognized Somaliland. As part of the trip, two tasks are carried out — the development of partnerships and the expedition under the project «Atlas of promising places for the development of aquaculture farms in the Republic of Djibouti». It is aimed at stimulating the creation of seafood farms, strengthening food security, increasing incomes and employment of the population in coastal settlements using technologies developed in Sevastopol.

Members of the delegation surveyed the area for further geodetic work in the Duda area, and also met with the prefect of Obock district.

A lot of development is planned here in the north of Djibouti. Our partners are interested in the development of aquaculture. We also discussed underwater thermal springs, the possibility of their use for therapeutic and prophylactic and resort purposes , — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Georgy Cherny, deputy director of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas for international activities.

The delegation also held several official meetings at the Russian Embassy in Djibouti, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Fisheries.

Представители севастопольского рыбопромышленного кластера работают в Республике Джибути Представители севастопольского рыбопромышленного кластера работают в Республике Джибути

During the trip, a trilateral cooperation agreement was also signed. It aims to jointly develop research and development programs in the field of marine biodiversity, the productivity of various marine species, marine ecology, the development of technologies related to marine aquaculture, attract qualified specialists, and strengthen partnerships with the Institute of Life Sciences and Biomedicine.

Recall that the Federal Research Center «Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas named after A.O. Kovalevsky RAS» is one of the participants in the priority project «Creation of a fishing cluster in the city of Sevastopol», as well as a member of the Interregional Scientific and Educational World-Class Center «MoreAgroBioTech».

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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