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Residents of Simferopol are increasingly asking: when will the heating of houses begin? There's an answer

Residents of Simferopol are increasingly asking: when will the heating of houses begin? There's an answer

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The head of the Simferopol administration, Mikhail Afanasyev, spoke about the possibility of starting the heating season in the city. As they say, you will have to be patient.

Friends! I am receiving questions about the start date of the heating season in the Crimean capital. I would like to remind you that there is no specific date for the start of heat supply. In accordance with current legislation, the coolant will be launched subject to a decrease in the average daily air temperature below +8 C within 5 daysnoted mayor

Hmm, today in Simferopol during the day the maximum was +14 C. At night it will be +4 C. The average temperature is + 9 C. No way. Tomorrow they promise + 15 C and +5 C. In general, it’s a miss. Based on the long-term forecast, the cherished daily average of +8 C cannot be expected in October. Let’s “hope” for November? But let’s be honest, at plus fourteen, at home, in a concrete box (without an air conditioner, air conditioner and heater), it’s oh so uncomfortable.

At the same time, the city leadership reports that it is 100% ready for the start of the heating season.

The administration of the city of Simferopol has ensured the implementation of organizational and technical measures for the preparation of socially significant facilities: hospitals, schools, kindergartens, cultural institutions, administrative and industrial premises. The readiness of the housing stock, including 2623 apartment buildings in the city of Simferopol, is 100%said Afanasiev.

Well, since everything is ready, why wait for frosts? Maybe we’ll open the faucet a little, at least for the night and morning fires, huh?

Find out more:  21 сентября – Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы, Оспожинки. А предки почитали нынче Ладу

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