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Residents of the Southern Federal District spent an average of 28 thousand rubles for car service in winter

Residents of the Southern Federal District spent an average of 28 thousand rubles for car service in winter

Krympress reports:

Avito advertising experts interviewed 10,000 Russians*to find out how often motorists contacted car services in winter and how much money they allocated to maintain a personal vehicle. On average, residents of the Southern Federal District spent 27.7 thousand rubles, and the most popular service was oil change (48%).

A little more than half of the survey participants from the Southern Federal District (53%) own cars. Interestingly, the number of men who have a personal vehicle is a little more than women: 55% versus 47%. Most of the car owners were in the age group from 35 to 44 years — 57% of respondents.

About the fifth of the survey participants (21%) who own the car, visit the service once every six months. Almost every fifth interviewed (18%) tries to call into the service quarterly, and 13%-once or twice a year. During the survey, it turned out that 5% of motorists visit specialized centers less than once or twice a year. On average, residents of the Southern Federal District check the condition of cars in services about six times a year.

The most active periods from the point of view of visiting car services are spring and autumn, when cars need special care after a period of hot summer and harsh winter with temperature changes. Nevertheless, in winter, the demand for certain types of work is preserved and even growing: for example, from December to January 2025, Russians were 49% more likely to seek a washing and caring for the body, by 20% — the demand for body repairs increased by 13%, and the planned one became especially in demand this year — the growth of appeals through Avito by 9 times by 9 times.,-comments the head of the business spare parts and car services in Avito Alexei Golovin.

For most (58%), the cost of services is the main criterion when choosing a car service. The respondents are also focused on the recommendations of loved ones and friends (54%) and on customer reviews on the Internet (43%). 39% of respondents said that a wide range of services is important to them, and almost a third of respondents (37%) chooses autocenters near the house.

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Most respondents admitted that most often they pay attention to advertising sites with ads (28%) and outdoor advertising (25%). Advertising in search engines attracted the attention of 18% of respondents, in social networks — 16%, and on TV — 14% of respondents.

Media advertising is not about instant purchases. She works for sales in the long run and holding the attention of the audience to the brand. This is especially true for businesses that sell seasonal goods and services, for example, for automobile services. We see positive dynamics in our data: as a result of 2024, investments of this category of advertisers in Avito media campaigns increased by 56%. The constant presence of the brand in the information field forms trust and knowledge among usersComments Yakov Paisakhzon, director of Avito Advertising.

If we talk about the services that were most in demand in winter among motorists, the first place is occupied by oil replacement: this option was noted by 48% of respondents. In second place is tire fitting (43%), and in the third — car diagnostics (32%). The number of those who applied to the car service for the replacement of liquids (24%) and for regular maintenance (19%) was almost equally divided. Repaired the suspension 13%.

In the winter of 2025, the majority (39%) residents of the Southern Federal District spent up to 10 thousand rubles on a car service. Almost every third (29%) surveillance allocated from 10,001 to 30,000 rubles, and 11% — from 30,001 to 50,000 rubles. From 50,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles, 3% of the survey participants took. On average, residents of the Southern Federal District spent about 27,660 rubles this winter.

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