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Residents of Yalta sent another car to the SVO zone

Residents of Yalta sent another car to the SVO zone

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The next vehicle from Yalta was prepared at the request of the reconnaissance company of the airborne assault battalion.

At the request of the reconnaissance company of the airborne assault battalion, we send a vehicle prepared for specific work to the Zaporozhye direction. NIVA is “shod” in mud tires, “raised”, the headlights are blackout, the bottom is completely sealed to prevent water from entering the cabin, — said the head of the Yalta administration, Yanina Pavlenko.

She also clarified that the car and spare parts for it were purchased by Yalta entrepreneurs Andrey, Alexander and Nikolay, after which the car was repaired for almost 2 months at the Pereprava Support Center, which is one of the permanent facilities for preparing equipment for the front line.

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