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Road accident in Sudak's Solnechnaya Valley — the Lada driver lost control

Road accident in Sudak's Solnechnaya Valley — the Lada driver lost control

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On March 30, at 21:48, the operational duty officer received a signal about an accident in the area of ​​the village. Sunny Valley (Sudak urban district).

The duty shift of the Sudak emergency rescue team «CRIMEA-SPAS», as well as ambulance and traffic police officers, went to the scene of the incident. Upon arrival, it turned out that the driver of the Lada Granta lost control and drove into a ditch, where he collided with a tree. Rescuers from KRYM-SPAS used rigging equipment to stabilize the vehicle, which made it possible to evacuate the man from it. He refused medical care— reported the emergency department.

Road accident in Sudak's Solnechnaya Valley - the Lada driver lost control

Also, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea carried out a set of necessary measures to ensure fire safety at the scene of the accident.

Road accident in Sudak's Solnechnaya Valley - the Lada driver lost control

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