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Roller sports competitions announced in Feodosia

Roller sports competitions announced in Feodosia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On July 28, in Feodosia, on the I. Aivazovsky embankment (near the light and music fountain), the roller sports competition «Summer on Wheels» will be held in the discipline «kids-cross» (passing a track with obstacles), the organizer of the competition reports — Roller Sports Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

All interested persons aged 4 to 13 years who have roller skating skills are invited to participate.

Registration is from 9:00 to 9:45, the races start at 10:00.

Winners and prize winners of the competition will be awarded medals and certificates from the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Crimea.

Roller sports competitions announced in Feodosia

source: «Crimean Sport»

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