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Roman Serov from Yevpatoriya is the silver medalist of the Russian Open Water Swimming Championship

Roman Serov from Yevpatoriya is the silver medalist of the Russian Open Water Swimming Championship

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the Penza region, on the surface of the lake in the village of Zasechny, from August 6 to 8, the Russian Open Water Swimming Championship was held among juniors aged 18-19, boys and girls aged 14-15 and 16-17.

83 athletes from 15 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the competition. Evpatoria swimming school alumnus Roman Serov won the silver medal in the 5 km swim among boys aged 14-15 (result – 1:00.40.71). Timur Ovchinnikov from Lipetsk Region won in this event (1:00.16.84)— reports «Crimean Sport».

Roman Serov trained for several years in Evpatoria under the guidance of Sergei Oleynikov, and currently represents St. Petersburg (coach – Nikita Belyaev).

source: «Crimean Sport»

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