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Roof repairs are underway in Sevastopol: in April, they plan to complete the repair of the roof on Gogol, 34

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Dmitry Shpagin, Head of the Capital Repair Assistance Fund, checked the progress of work on the overhaul of the roof of an apartment building at 34 Gogol Street. The facility has already completed the dismantling of the existing built-up roofing with adjuncts, partial repair of the cement screed of the roof, the installation of coating waterproofing on a concrete base and a suspended drainage system. At the final stage, there is also a two-layer coating of the roof and junctions from the built-up coating, which is 90% complete.

The house is already 64 years old, and for all the time there has never been a major overhaul of the roof. To date, 80% of the scope of work specified in the contract between the fund and the contractor has already been completed. This is already the 31st house in a high degree of readiness. Work is proceeding according to schedule, and repairs will be completed in April— Dmitry Shpagin is quoted by the press service of the Government of Sevastopol.

According to the specialist, the overhaul of the roof has been completed in more than ten houses on Gogol Street.

Roof repairs are underway in Sevastopol: in April, they plan to complete the repair of the roof on Gogol, 34 Roof repairs are underway in Sevastopol: in April, they plan to complete the repair of the roof on Gogol, 34

Recall that the overhaul of the roof is carried out as part of a short-term regional program. In total, it is planned to complete work at 119 facilities in 2023.

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