Rospotrebnadzor: Recommendations in Veliky post from March 3 to April 19
Krympress reports:
The territorial department for Simferopol and the Simferopol district of the inter-regional department of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol recommends some power rules in the great post.
The great post is one of the most important periods of spiritual purification and preparation for the celebration of Easter in the Orthodox tradition. In 2025, the great post begins on March 3 and continues until April 19. This period requires special attention to its spiritual state, as well as compliance with certain nutrition and behavior rules. Rospotrebnadzor offers the following recommendations for those who plan to follow the post.
Basic rules of fasting
Rejection of animal food: During Great Lent, it is recommended to abandon animal products, including meat, milk, eggs and fish. However, there are days when the use of fish is allowed: the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7) and the entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem (April 12).
Limiting fatty and sweet foods: The post involves the rejection of fatty dishes, sweets and fast food. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes.
Xerophagy: On some days of fasting (for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday the first week), drying is prescribed, that is, the use of raw foods without heat treatment.
Moderation in food: Even during the post, it is important to follow your diet and not overeat. Food should be balanced and diverse.
Recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor
Rospotrebnadzor draws attention to the importance of observing hygiene and proper cooking during fasting. Here are some tips: Wash your hands before meals And after visiting public places.
Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruitsespecially if they are used raw.
Store products correctly: Keep perishable products in the refrigerator, and dry products in a dry place.
Avoid the use of expired products And those that cause doubts about their freshness.
In addition, Rospotrebnadzor recalls the importance of maintaining physical activity even during fasting. Regular walks in the fresh air, moderate physical exercises will help maintain health and good mood.
How to fast?
For those who first decide to follow the post, it is important to approach this process gradually. Do not sharply change the usual diet to avoid stress for the body. You can start with refusal of meat, and then gradually exclude other products of animal origin.
It is also worth remembering that fasting is not only a restriction in food, but also time for spiritual work on oneself. It is important to pay attention to prayer, reading scripture and good deeds.
Compliance with a great post is an opportunity to cleanse the body and soul, prepare for the holiday of Easter. Following the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor and observing the basic rules of the post, this period can be made useful and favorable for your health and spiritual growth.
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