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Russian Foreign Ministry on attempts by Ukrainian terrorists to attack Crimea

Russian Foreign Ministry on attempts by Ukrainian terrorists to attack Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Kiev regime has stepped up the use of terrorist methods in its attempts to attack Crimea. She announced this during the next briefing said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to her, Ukrainian UAV raids on peaceful civilian facilities once again confirm the terrorist nature of the Kyiv regime. It is no longer possible not to see her even in the most remote corners of our planet.

The Kiev regime has stepped up the use of terrorist methods against Crimea. On September 1 and 2, deliberately, on the Day of Knowledge, on the day when children go to first grade, when ceremonial assembly passes, schools open, with the help of naval drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they again tried to attack the Crimean bridge — unsuccessfully.

In addition to the shelling, the rhetoric of the West and its Kiev protégés is also getting tougher, which suggests that the NATO countries, through the hands of their Ukrainian henchmen, do not abandon their intentions to deliver a truly, from their point of view, painful blow to Crimea. The peaceful life there does not give them rest. They are not interested in the opinion of the inhabitants of the Russian region. They chose not just the path of force, but the path of war— said Maria Zakharova.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry also recalled a recent interview with the former commander of the US Army in Europe, General Hodges, in which he called for the destruction of the Crimean bridge «to isolate the peninsula.»

Is it possible to say that these are not just political and public figures, but that they are people in general. Can people talk like that? No, they can’t. Especially those who have been talking about human rights, humanistic values, freedoms for decades. No, they wouldn’t say that. So in some part they were telling a lie. I even know which one. I think everyone knows this now. Then, when they swore that they were committed to freedoms and human rights, they said that for them this is a real value. For them, it was never a value. Now all this «plaster» crumbled. We saw their true face— said Maria Zakharova.

She also recalled that Crimea and Donbass were named by President Zelensky as «priority targets.» In achieving them, Ukrainian terrorists stop at nothing.

Whatever crimes the Ukrainian neo-Nazis commit, we will not only list them, but tell what punishment they receive for this. All their atrocities are carefully recorded by Russian law enforcement agencies. Not only recorded, but investigated and charged— Zakharova emphasized.

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