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Russian President Vladimir Putin: «I sincerely congratulate you on International Women's Day!»

Russian President Vladimir Putin: «I sincerely congratulate you on International Women's Day!»

Krympress reports:

Dear women of Russia!

I sincerely congratulate you on International Women’s Day!

In our country, traditionally a special, very warm, sincere attitude to this wonderful holiday. Words of love, gratitude and respect sound everywhere today. Men are in a hurry to tell their mothers, wives, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, friends, colleagues, how much they value them, how they appreciate everything that you do at home for family and friends and at work, sometimes performing very difficult professional tasks.

You really have everything: surround the care of children and achieve amazing successes in various fields of activity, combine strength and fragility, courage and tenderness, invariably conquer with your beauty and charm. And of course, inspire men on wonderful actions, to the desire to achieve more, to become better, to be real defenders of your family, home, your homeland.

The most important thing is to you — the miracle of the birth of a new life. And the sensitivity and generosity of the mother’s heart, the warmth of maternal love transform and decorate the world around us. To be a mother is great happiness and at the same time difficult, intense work. We perfectly understand this and will definitely continue to do everything so that mothers, families with children, especially large children, feel the support they need, see that their interests are always in the focus of the state.

The most warm words are women who are now where it is especially difficult. These are participants in a special military operation. You are in its different areas: both in front -line hospitals and on the front line — and always with honor you perform combat missions.

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I also want to separately turn to women whose relatives — husbands, fathers, brothers, loved ones — now protect the future of our country. Your spiritual participation, unchanging care and your love, fidelity give strength to our fighters, strengthen their spirit and adamant faith in the fact that the truth — and therefore victory is on our side.

Dear women!

We know that much in life is held precisely on you, on your talents, creative energy, love, the ultimate responsibility with which you take up any business. I repeat, we are always delighted with your beauty, tenderness, charm.

I want to wish you success, health and prosperity, all the best to you and your loved ones. Be happy along with those who are dear to you.

Happy holiday, with International Women’s Day!

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

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