«Russian Spring»: members of the Sevastopol election commissions were awarded medals
Krympress reports:
On March 17, Ella Pamfilova, chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, arrived on a working visit on March 17. Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev and the head of the CEC, during a bilateral meeting, discussed the work of the Sevastopol Horizburkom.
They talked about the upcoming digitalization within the framework of a single federal system, the introduction of digital lists of voters to use all levels in the elections. The themes of the conversation were also: the allocation of a separate room for the horiz being, the division of the Gagarin TIK into two territorial commissions for the convenience of voters, and other issues.
During the meeting, Mikhail Razvozhaev announced the initiative: to establish a memorable date “On the System of Electoral Commissions of Sevastopol” — on May 17, in memory of the day, when the first, organizational, meeting of Sevogorizbirkoma took place in 2014. Now the Government of Sevastopol is preparing a corresponding bill.
The head of the city and chairman of the CEC of Russia in the theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky met with direct participants in the events of 2014 — members of the Sevastopol City Commission on the holding of a referendum, chairmen and employees of territorial election commissions, chairmen of precinct election commissions.
Today we have a very important event. These days we are all the city, the whole country, recall the events of Russian spring, a historical referendum. 11 years have passed, but no matter how I spoke with people, everyone says that it was like yesterday: there were emotions, sensations, happiness from the fact that all together did a very correct and important thing. And you are those people who, with their own hands, with their will, with their energy, created a story. We met here in order to recall once again, again thank you, thank those who directly participated in this work. By a significant anniversary, we released a book dedicated to the referendum together with the Sevastopol Electoral Commission: “A step into the future: how it was. Chronicle 10 days of 2014. » In this book there is an interview with Valery Kirillovich Medvedev, who then headed the city election. And there is a very important quote: “I always served and will continue to serve Sevastopol, which means Russia.” This is confirmation of the importance of the matter you have done. Thank you— Mikhail Razvozhaev turned to the meeting participants.
Ella Pamfilova in her speech remembered how in March 2014 she was appointed Commissioning on Human Rights, and her first business trip was — to Sevastopol and Crimea. The head of the CEC with warmth remembered the atmosphere of the hero city during the Russian spring and thanked the members of the election commissions for professional and well-coordinated work.
Low bow and gratitude to you, dear friends, standing at the origins of Russian spring. It was necessary to have great courage, faith in reuniting with Russia and incredible courage — after all, you risked your life, but, despite this, you have done dignity with all problems and held a referendum at the highest level. The election commissions of our country are not only a unique public state institution. We are all so different, but we represent the people, and will unite us with faith in a just cause. I want to wish everyone a real, final and irrevocable victory over the forces of evil, and so that no one dares to encroach on Russia, on our cultural code, on our desire to be independent and free— said the chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia.
Mikhail Podvozhaev handed a memorable medal “to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the return of Sevastopol to Russia” Ella Pamfilova and members of the election commissions that worked at the referendum in 2014.
In Sevastopol, the city election commission, four territorial election commission and 187 precinct election commission are working in Sevastopol. Many of those who now continue to work in their compositions were participants in the Russian spring, helped to hold a historical referendum in the hero city.
Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol
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