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Russian studio detachments in Crimea were launched by a patriotic action to clean and improve the memorable places of the Second World War

Russian studio detachments in Crimea were launched by a patriotic action to clean and improve the memorable places of the Second World War

Krympress reports:

March 22 in the city of Simferopol on the alley of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War at the Memorial «Eternal Flame» in the park named after Yu.A. Gagarin took place the solemn opening of the VII Republican Patriotic campaign “The Troops of the Victory of the RSO” as part of the All -Russian Patriotic campaign “We will worship the Great Those years”.

In 2025, the Victory landing landing of the North Ossetia was timed to the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as to the events of the Crimean offensive operation of 1944. At the opening, according to tradition, the RSO fighters were awarded for labor activity.

The meanings of labor volunteering, which are formed by student units of the Republic of Crimea, are attached to the correct impulses and actions aimed at tribute to our ancestors. When the idea of ​​creating our action was born in 2019, 100 children gathered in order to take part in the improvement of monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Then the landing of Victory was attached to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi invaders. In 2020, we continued this initiative, and every year the Victory landing became larger. Our work is our contribution to the preservation of history— said the participants of the action Vladimir Kaidansky, chairman of the board of the Crimean regional branch of the RSO.

The landing of the Victory is aimed at holding volunteer measures to improve the monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, providing assistance to people of advanced age, families of participants in Swate, conducting open lessons about the events of the Great Patriotic War in schools, in particular, on the events of the Crimean offensive operation of 1944 and the liberation of Crimea from the German-fascist invaders, as well as on Popularization of volunteering and work among school and student youth.

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This year, Stadot-Ryadovites will work in 20 municipalities of the peninsula on the cleaning and improvement of monuments, memorials, fraternal burials of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

RefThe bottom to see you all today, ready to do good and important deeds in the Republic of Crimea. We have a lot of work ahead, some of you will begin to work today, so I want to wish you productive work and get a maximum from this action. The main thing is not to forget about the importance of safe work, told Ekaterina Denesyuk, head of the Crimean regional branch of Russian student detachments.

After the solemn opening of the action, the Crimean Stadot -Rodnians began cleaning the territory on the alley of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War at the Eternal Flame memorial in the park named after Yu. A. Gagarin.

The action was organized by the ANO “House of Youth” and the Crimean regional branch of Russian student detachments as part of the All -Russian competition of volunteering “good deeds”.

Source: Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch MOOO «Russian Student detachments»

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